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Silly History
A revolutionary young man stuck in a distant outpost sets out to woo the local beauty — and ends up changing the world. So, is she impressed?

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Not a Household Name
A comedy about a Hollywood dropout who discovers the forces in play behind the non-stop tragedies that shape his existence.

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Going to the Gods
Tired of all the terrorists in the news and a world going to the dogs? Take a hilarious romp roughshod over many a sacred cow. Irreverence — can you handle it?

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Fatal Relationships
Three English girls in stuffy old 1956 hatch a pact to scale feminist heights their countrywomen have never reached before. Leap ahead 23 years and now, there’s revolution in the air. Somewhere between Mrs. Thatcher at 10 Downing Street and the punks outside, the ground is shifting fast beneath the feet of our heroines. With their dreams in disarray, it’s a no-holds-barred race to the finish line!

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Steps Toward Destiny
Take a journey alongside a fragile trophy wife naively searching for her missing son on the other side of the world. On this road trip into the unknown she first must find herself, or turn back in failure once again.